Timed Toggles自动切换情景模式
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Timed Toggles有点像自动情景模式,这东西支持的功能挺丰富,玩好了能省不少事儿。
Timed Toggles设定好之后可以在预计的时间自动切换,比如开关飞行模式等,需要root权限。
Toggles available are:
Aeroplane mode on or off (requires a rooted device if running Android 4.2 or newer)
Auto synchronise on or off (stops emails and push notifications without turning the radio of completely)
Bluetooth on or off
Screen brightness set to auto, manual or a specific brightness.
Sound on or off
Sound volume level can be set to a user selectable loudness, for example have a lower volume set while at work, and have it turn up automatically when home.
Wi-Fi on or off
Vibrate on or off
Auto postpone
New for version 1.3 is an auto postpone option (enable in the settings menu). With auto postpone if the device is in use at the time of a toggle, and that toggle would potentially cause a problem because it turns something off, this toggle will be postponed. Once the device is no longer in use the toggle will run a few minutes later.
Backup to Google
New for version 1.3, Toggles and settings are now automatically backed up to the phone or tablet Google account if backup and restore is enabled in the devices setting. This means on resetting the device and/or re-installing Timed Toggles, all previous settings are restored.
To use, launch the application, click the + icon and add your first toggle. Add as many toggles as is needed for different times and days of the week.
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