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时间:2024-02-09 02:07:45 来源:互联网网友 作者:秒查询软件园



BtF6nW - Bestiary Entry 1: Imps (17 Jan)

w6Pd2u - Bestiary Entry 2: Rathun (24 Jan)

SHbEXB - We are happy to announce... (25 Jan)

cCedpo - THQ Nordic mockup of the physical Obsidian Edition (26 Jan)

8twCgw - Bestiary Entry 3: Engwithan Titans (31 Jan)

BMahh7 - Bestiary Entry 4: Eotens (7 Feb)

KFK5Lj - February Press Images - Stone Doorway (Published 5 Feb, also in print)

RMaM4A - February Press Images - Entrance Stairway (Published 16 Jan, also in print)

XQrdGv - PC Gamer UK/US Cover (March 2018)

CoC6eF - Bestiary Entry 5: Rotghast (14 Feb)

DeYvu8 - Gamestar März 2018 cover (17 Feb)

HTEPbK - Bestiary Entry 6: Naga (21 Feb)

25Pwqv - Backer Update 45 (23 Feb)

VMTjAb - Bestiary Entry 7: Corrupted Tigers (28 Feb)

yJ3BqA - Versus Evil video thumbnail (28 Feb)

mfvU5r - Bestiary Entry 8: Constructs (07 Mar)

vSKRXA - Bestiary Entry 9: Engwithan Saints (14 Mar)

RHh2SA - Obsidian Pedi-cab (20 Mar)

3D7mzF - Bestiary Entry 10: Earth Blights (21 Mar)

WgE69K - March Press Blitz - Right Balcony (26 Mar)

tg2b3r - March Press Blitz - Circular Carpet (26 Mar)

KUyE6X - March Press Blitz - Ship Stern (26 Mar)

vitshR - March Press Blitz - Left Cell (26 Mar)

5Vtwje - March Press Blitz - Furled Sail (26 Mar)

EQC3bw - Versus Evil PAX Tweet (28 Mar), Stoic Tweet (08 Apr), Backer Update 46 Tweet (30 Apr)

APDPmj - Bestiary Entry 11: Party Time (28 Mar)

zdhfFQ - Companion Spotlight: Tekēhu (04 Apr)

zvzrSg - PAX East Twitch Stream, Day 1 (06 Apr)

hCSjoE - PAX East Twitch Stream, Day 2 (07 Apr)

iXncsY - Scavenger Hunt Site (11 Apr)

eZ9ywi - Companion Spotlight: Pallegenia (11 Apr)

mDjZsK - "Welcome to the Deadfire Explorer's Scavenger Hunt!" Email (11 Apr)

3kp5Bi - Companion Spotlight: Serafen (18 Apr)

Ksucnw - Community Manager tweet: Aarik (23 Apr)

4eVMKu - Instagram Ad 1 (24 Apr)

SNGVTh - Instagram Ad 2 (24 Apr)

i2MrLF - Companion Spotlight: Aloth (25 Apr)

aFJJ8F - Backer Update 46 (30 Apr)

6X4EYa - Backer Update 46 (30 Apr)

BprrJv - Backer Update 46 (30 Apr)

ysRHrs - The World of Eternity tweet (02 May)

3UNUbC - Companion Spotlight: Maia Rua (02 May)

TjF5if - The power of friendship! (02 May)

UBRYio - The Road To Eternity (04 May)

P5swCz - Developer Tweets (04 May)

PLmjXG - We can bearly wait (06 May)

JvD6Sx - Last chance to pre-order (07 May)

47KjYc - InXile tweet (08 May)

7NLeRW - Deadfire Launch Tweet (08 May)

zGckQH - Deadfire FAQ (08 May)

UG6Q9Y - Backer Update 47: Launch day (08 May)

PrHg3N - Press Kit Images

eVSMvT - Press Kit Images

cLD6nB - Press Kit Images

uUZCgG - Press Kit Images

E6Gqaj - Deadfire Manual - Table of Contents



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简介:永恒之柱2死亡之火内置多功能修改器是该同名游戏的一款辅助修改工具,功能简单实用,有需要的玩家不要错过了。 使用方法: 1、解压缩 2、复制到游戏主目录,拖动游戏PillarsOfEternityII.exe至IPA.EXE上,待命令行执行完毕,生成一个快捷方式,打开该快捷方